Zwanie Jonson
Zwanie Jonson is a German songwriter who sings, plays the instruments and then records that....
..and he likes coffee and cigarettes
DJ Koze 2007 Hoobert:
Dear friends,
one Sunday Zwanie gave me a CD with the inscription: "Zwanie Songs 1998 - 2006".
A compilation of some of his songs.
Just for listening.
I was immediately enchanted by the sweetness and beauty of these songs.
For over a year this CD accompanied me on my travels through foreign countries and with every listening these wonderful songs grew and grew.
Unlike with so much other music, I did not have to drink it up. No, these songs were enchanting, timeless and special.
At the latest when my girlfriend asked for the third time: "What is that beautiful again?", when Zwaniesongs sounded in my random loop, a thought ripened in me:
"The world needs Zwanie!"
All right, enough praise.
I don't want Zwanie to go through the ceiling and end up dancing on my nose. He must stay hot, because with him I still want to make real money!
I wish you, dear friends, now a nice time with my friend Zwanie Jonson...
DJ Koze,
Hamburg, St. Georg in January 2007
New Album "In my beat" 28/3/25